Schools & States With Abortion Ban

Schools, Colleges & States With Abortion Ban | Consequences of Abortion Ban _ Uncountable number of youths are heading to college this fall, but in most colleges and states, students will step onto Schools without the legal right to abortions. This is coming after the Roe v. Wade case overturned sometime around June, up to fourteen states have now enacted the abortion bans, thereby making reproductive rights for college students and dwellers in those areas much more Restricted. And, going by reports from new investigation_ from The Meteor, students at some of the schools in those states can’t rely on their respective institutions for help In getting abortion.

Are you are a college-bound teen who is So much worried and the sane time concerned with your reproductive freedom, privilege and rights? This content will cover some of the most important things you need to know about the Abortion law enforcement, especially in the present time that a student’s dream and aspirations of getting a college degree can be halted by unplanned pregnancies.

What are The Impacts of Abortion Ban?

Unplanned pregnancy is a major/common problem that most college students face. Going by a study conducted on a cross-section of female students at an undisclosed college, up to fourty-three percent ( 43%) of those who got unwanted pregnancy at the college had an induced abortion. It also discovered that abortion was more prevalent in female on-campus environment.
The abortion rights are a global issue that concerns school students with great impact. After all, most of those students who run abortions are college-age girls. In time before the popular Roe v. Wade overturning case, they have had a considerable degree of commitment to the matter.

Going by a data which was published by the Guttmacher Institute ( a research organization that is dedicated to advancing sexual & reproductive health, privilege and rights in the United States) More than 50% of abortion patients in the country are within the 20’s age bracket — of those, up to 34% are aged between 20 and 24, while up to 27% are aged between 25 and 29. Also according to an investigation conducted by the National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR), which targets repeated interview of more than 200 American teenagers from the year 2003 to 2013, here are few of the reasons why most college girls dropped out of school: Financial difficulties, Academic challenges, Health issues, Need to join the workforce But the common reasons given by the students was unwanted pregnancy. Check Brilliant Graduate Sacked For Being Pregnant Now Turns Tyres Into Furnitures

Do you Consider Abortion Ban before choosing a College You Apply To?

Persons who are of average reproductive age may not regard going to colleges in states where abortion ban is active or were there is restricted abortion law. This is especially the case for most of the low-income students who are not likely to be able to generate funds to travel in order to get the procedure where it can be done legally without fear.
Since the period were the US Supreme Court overturned the case of Roe v. Wade , which has made abortion legal in all over the US since the year 1973, a lot of School-bound teens have reconsidered their higher education choice of institution . Many are of the opinion that going to States and colleges where there are restrictions won’t get them the right time have abortions should in case they need one.
Going by a Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) report , up to 26.4% of undergraduate college girls experience rape or other forms of sexual assault by means of either physical force, by violence, or even incapacitation. Also, going by the fact that rape situations can lead to a not less than 5% chance of getting unwanted pregnancy, an abortion ban can make such students rethink before choosing to apply into a college. If you are so much active in your reproductive freedom,chances are that you may want to register into the institutions that are sited in states where abortion is now legal or where abortion is expected to be illegal . Must Check Top 50 Best Jobs For Pregnant Women | Can I get a job if I’m Pregnant?

Top Colleges/Schools and Their Decision About The Abortion Ban

Some college executives have vowed to keep on upholding the outstanding reproductive health care for their students, while some other institutions, particularly Schools from religiously affiliated Foundations, are Delighted with the current ban ruling. List of Schools and their Abortion Ban decisions;

Duquesne University

The executive of Duquesne University,which is a Catholic-owned institution, says that the wants of the college students will be addressed with forces rooted in the dedication to service and care.

Liberty University.

The Liberty University has been praying, seeking, volunteering & advocating for Up to fifty ( 50) years ago for the life of the mothers (students) and their unborn babies, it is pleased with the Supreme Court’s decision.

Notre Dame University.

As a Catholic-owned institution, Notre Dame University has long been in support for the unborn life’s protection, although the university promised to work with persons who share its opinion as well as those who Are against it.

Princeton University.

Since abortion is legal in the area of New Jersey, the executive of Princeton University is of the opinion that the healthcare and benefits for their employees as well as students are not affected.

University of California.

The Executive/president of the University of California supports allowing the students have access to healthcare services based on verifiable fact and evidence especially in while in consultation with the school’s medical team.

University of Iowa.

For the institution to maintain an open, sincere and respectful discussion of differences on the institution campus, the executive of the University of Iowa is trying to keep the opinions on abortion as private as possible.

University of Michigan.

Going by the fact that the University of Michigan’s campus consists of more than 50% females, it isn’t so shocking that the executive strongly Stands for access to abortion services.

University of Oregon.

The school’s executives maintains that the University of Oregon will keep on to act within the law to provide reproductive health support as well as the necessary resources in its student health Plus counseling programs.

University of Wisconsin.

The University of Wisconsin Management System Affirms that the continued monitoring of the many legal processes that surround this matter on abortion ban and will completely keep to the law as it continues to unfold.

Yale University.

The Yale Ivy League school’s executive affirms that the institution will keep on following the Connecticut law on reproductive rights, they stand with the right which preserves the legal right and privilege to abortion.

What Are The Consequences of The Abortion Ban

  • According to , States with abortion bans also have worse health outcomes for mothers and their children.
  • Most of the states that are seeking to ban abortion tend to have minimum access to health care,
  • opines that abortion ban brings about poor maternal and infant health care outcomes. It also brings about weaker social supports for the kids and their families. Check Top 80+ Scholarships For Blind Students 2022

List States Where Abortion is Banned or Likely to be Restricted

In the below states, abortion may be either already prohibited or is very much likely to enforce the Abortion ban or give restrictions to abortion anytime soon, this will rely on the outcomes of the increasing struggle over abortion access still being deliberated in courtrooms:

  1. Alabama ( Legal status of abortion?: Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  2. Arizona ( Legal status of abortion?: it is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Blocked currently
  3. Arkansas ( Legal status of abortion?: It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  4. Florida (Legal status of abortion? Restricted | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  5. Georgia ( Legal status of abortion ?: It is Restricted| Abortion ban in effect?: Soon
  6. Idaho ( Legal status of abortion? : It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect? Soon
  7. Kentucky ( Legal status of abortion? : It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Blocked currently
  8. Louisiana ( Legal status of abortion?: Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect ?: Blocked.
  9. Mississippi ( Legal status of abortion? It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  10. Missouri ( Legal status of abortion?: It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  11. North Dakota ( Legal status of abortion?: It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Soon
  12. Ohio ( Legal status of abortion?: It is Restricted | Abortion ban in effect? Now
  13. Oklahoma ( Legal status of abortion?: Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  14. South Carolina ( Legal status of abortion? It is Restricted | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  15. South Dakota ( Legal status of abortion?: It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect? Now
  16. Tennessee ( Legal status of abortion?: It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect? Soon
  17. Texas ( Legal status of abortion?: It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  18. Utah ( Legal status of abortion? It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect? Blocked
  19. West Virginia ( Legal status of abortion?: It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  20. Wisconsin ( Legal status of abortion? It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect?: Now
  21. Wyoming ( Legal status of abortion? It is Prohibited | Abortion ban in effect? Soon

Are Students Happy With the Abortion Ban ? Here are reactions of some students

“I would not consider attending a school in a state where abortion is against the law,” a student narrated to Teen Vogue . Referring to a survey
published in the month of August by the, up to thirty-nine perfect 39% of prospective students responded saying that the Roe v. Wade’s reversal would determine which state they attend college in.

Students From Purdue University responds “It definitely doesn’t make me wish to stay in Indiana after I graduate, but I’m here now,” a student said. Another respondent from said “Purdue was always it for me, I just think I’d feel much comfortable because we have schools like Illinois and Michigan around us if I were ever in that spot. I don’t know if I’d ever perform an abortion myself, but I will support anybody who choose to do that… but it’s a huge deal.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What Category of Students perform abortion the most ?

Going by a data which was published by the Guttmacher Institute ( a research organization that is dedicated to advancing sexual & reproductive health, privilege and rights in the United States) More than 50% of abortion patients in the country are within the 20’s age bracket — of those, up to 34% are aged between 20 and 24, while up to 27% are aged between 25 and 29.

Final Thoughts on Abortion Ban

If you are a college-bound teen who is So much worried and the sane time concerned with your reproductive freedom, privilege and rights going to the above schools might be so challenging to you. Persons who are of average reproductive age may not even think of going to colleges in states where abortion ban is active or were there is restricted abortion law. The case is not for most of the low-income students who are not likely to be able to generate funds to travel in order to get the procedure where it can be done legally without fear or tremble.
Many are persons are of the opinion that going to States and colleges where there are restrictions won’t get them the right time have abortions should in case they need one.
The abortion rights are a global issue that concerns school students with great impact. After all, most of those students who run abortions are college-age girls.
Let us know your thoughts in the comment section! Do you support or go against the Abortion Ban?



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