Easiest Social Science Degrees

Easiest Social Science Degrees | What Is The Most Difficult Social Science?_ Before we choose to apply into the easiest social science degrees, let’s get one point right: in as much as some courses are tougher than the other, there’s no easy degrees to say. Whatever degree you select to pursue, you’ll have to study really hard to round it up. With that sorted out, this article discusses the easiest social science majors, what makes them easier than the rest and what you may possibly earn from them. Also contained in this article is the Most difficult social science majors and what makes them difficult, And more… Read On!

What are the Social Science Majors ?

Social science fields seek to utilize scientific methodologies to settle problems within society. Social science degrees often deal with the study of how human beings and how humans interact with one another. Many college degrees fall under the umbrella of social science. The famous majors include anthropology, the criminal justice, the field of political science, * psychology, as well as Sociology etc. Must Check Do You Regret Majoring in Psychology? 10 Signs You’d Succeed or Not In Psychology

Is Social Science a Good Field to Study In?

Yes, social science is a very nice major for many undergraduate students. This field offers a wide range of career opportunities. Going by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are varieties of careers within the social sciences fields that are targeted to experience increasing growth over the next ten years to come. An undergraduate level study in the social sciences can be a nice tract toward a graduate degree. For instance, political science & criminal justice degrees may be a strong foundation to getting Into the Law Faculty. In the same vein, a psychology degree can act as a solid foundation for the aspiring Psychologists.

Is Social Science a hard major?

What you consider tough may be considered easy for some other student. Generally, since Social sciences deals with the study of our society many people tag the discipline as an easy major, But is that really so? Social science fields seek to utilize scientific methodologies to take care of problems within society. And I would ask, since there are different categories of human behavior, do you really think it will be easy to study Social Science? Social science degrees also deal with the study of how human beings and how humans interact with one another. With that being said here are few points that determine whether a social science major is hard or not;

Your Interest in the Social Science Degree

This is not a go-by-your-passion type of say. It is factual which is objective to a fault. If you didn’t bother to check the social science major you are applying for before securing admission into it, there is a bigger possibility that you are going to pass through hard times rounding it up. Unless you are an easy adaptive person or I should say a genius. If that’s your case kudos. You are good to go!

Your Level of Knowledge and Abstraction in Social Science

With the keywords knowledge and abstraction we are referring to those things that are not easily learned naturally by our brains. There is much to learn in the field of social science and that is what most people don’t understand . With a good level of knowledge and abstraction about the chosen social science major you don’t have any problem with hardest and easiest social science degrees..

Where the Work will be Used

This is another crucial point to consider as your choice hardest and easiest social science degrees. Understanding that you are a psychologist and what your degree can offer you is a very necessary factor to consider, same as in other hardest and easiest social science degrees. Check Easiest Online & Offline Business Degrees | Which Business Degree is Most Versatile?

Easiest Social Science Degrees

Here are a list of the easiest social science degrees you may want to venture into. Understand that these courses are tagged easy doesn’t mean you would graduate with a degree in the easiest social science degrees without efforts. You still need to put in quality efforts to get flying grades. Easiest Social Science Degrees;


Psychology is rated as one of the easiest social science degrees and of course one of the easiest college courses. According to an article published on the official website of the American Psychological Association (APA), the psychology major is rated as the fourth most famous college major ( from the US Department of Education (DE) ). Due to this, it is not so surprising why a psychology lecture is also in the most popular college classes.

Psychology is rated as one of the easiest social science degrees because it is a fun major . What’s really cool about taking a psychology Degree is that you will get used to all sorts of things that can aid you to predict and explain how people will react to circumstances. More importantly, it will assist you understand yourself much better. In the time frame of earning a passing psychology class grade, you will also get better interpersonal skills as well as good communication skills. Psychology is the right social science class for you to venture into in college if you are searching for the best easiest social science degrees.
if you have any of the following traits and characteristics psychology might just be the right social science degree for you;
Critical thinking
Organizational skills

Social Work

A social work major gives you an insight on how you can make a difference in the world. When studying social work, you’ll Get familiarized with how to offer services that assist some of The society’s most vulnerable and indigent people.
Social Work is one of the easiest social science degrees to venture into, the majors typically do not require upper-level math or most of the difficult science courses, which makes Getting a high GPA in Social work much easier. You’ll be earning an average salary of up to $49,000 as a graduate social worker.


Sociology majors seek to study the human behavior via the collection and observation of data. You’ll get familiarized with details about connections between people, which can serve as a preparatory work in the area of human resources, in market research, to mention but a few.
Sociology is considered as one of the easiest social science degrees because Most sociology courses do not require a ton of heavy studying or endless writing assignments, which makes this degree a bit easier than social science degrees. Sociology majors earning in the average scale is up to $56,000.


If you get a degree in communications, you will be taught about journalism, you will get the basis of public relations, marketing, and more. You’ll also get a lot of broad skills with a communications major that can assist you get a job in a number of fields. A communications degree is easier to get because it doesn’t require advanced science skills, mathematics skills, or writing coursework you’ll do. Communications major graduates can earn an average salary of up to $60,000.


Anthropology is basically the study of cultural history as well as the evolution of social relationships. Anthropology may also embed archaeology, so anthropology majors may spend periods in the field on digs. As an anthropology student, you’ll take a combination of anthropology classes, history classes, and sociology classes. You’ll read a lot and write a lot too but you won’t have to do any advanced statistics or various kinds of mathematics, this makes anthropology one of the easiest social science degrees. Check Easiest Online & Offline Business Degrees | Which Business Degree is Most Versatile?

What Is The Most Difficult Social Science?

From Opinion Pool, The majority of students view the following social science degrees as the hardest majors in social science

  • Economics (33.3%),
  • Law (32.7%)
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE) (22.4%)

The above are tagged as the hardest subjects areas in Social Sciences. This is because Both Economics and PPE need you to have A*AA to meet the entry requirements, supporting their positions as more difficult social science degrees.

What are the Average pay of Social Science workers?

  • Economists_ $105,630
  • Geographers_ $85,220
  • Social and Community Service Managers- $74,000
  • Police and Detectives_ $66,020
  • Market Research Analysts_ $63,920
  • Public Relations Specialists_ $62,800
  • Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists_ $60,250
  • Social Workers_ $50,390
  • Social Science Research Assistants_$49,720
  • Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors_ $48,520

Have you Chosen to study a Social Science Degree, here are points to consider | Final Thoughts

In as much as some courses are tougher than the other, there’s no easy degrees To day. Whatever degree you select to pursue, you’ll have to study really hard to round it up. Below is a list of points you may wish to Bear in mind as you search for the social science degree program that is well suited for your personality and the world’s need.

  • Check out for .Well-established social sciences department
  • Check out for the Variety of social science concentrations
  • Check the Internship opportunities available
  • Analyze the Study-abroad opportunities
  • Get into Degree-related clubs or student organizations
  • Analyze the Program cost and time commitment
  • Consider the Online vs. in-person degree options
  • Lastly check the School culture as well as the location.
Frequently Asked Question
is Social Science worth studying? Is it a good degree?

Yes, social science is a very nice major for many undergraduate students. This field offers a wide range of career opportunities. Going by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are varieties of careers within the social sciences fields that are targeted to experience increasing growth over the next ten years to come. An undergraduate level study in the social sciences can be a nice tract toward a graduate degree. For instance, political science & criminal justice degrees may be a strong foundation to getting Into the Law Faculty. In the same vein, a psychology degree can act as a solid foundation for the aspiring Psychologists.



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