Top 12 Hardest Engineering Majors


What is the duration for Engineering Courses?

An undergraduate degree program in the field of engineering can be completed within four years or five years depending on your country, and a PG degree in the field of engineering can be for up to three to seven years.

What Branch of Engineering is the toughest?

We will say it is Chemical Engineering. Because it is a joining point between physics, chemistry, and math. The above reason is the first and foremost reason that Chemical Engineering is one of the hardest Engineering majors in the world

Top 12 Hardest Engineering Majors |What Makes A Major Harder than Others?_ Engineering is a wide discipline, but among the numerous academic disciplines, you may be tempted to ask which of them are the hardest engineering courses in the World. You will find the answer shortly.

Choosing to Study engineering in high school is no joke, this is because the discipline is considered to be in the list of the most difficult courses you can study in the world. Many attribute the difficulty to the reason that it requires a good knowledge of pure and applied mathematics as well as science.
Also, to make it and succeed in the field of engineering, you will have to get enough skills, and good technical knowledge, you are to have abstract thinking ability, creativity, teamwork spirit, fast learning ability, and analytical ability to mention but a few.

What Makes a Major Harder than Others? The Hardest Engineering Majors

What you consider tough may be considered easy for some other person, take for instance, Choosing to Studying engineering in high school,you will find out that people around you may get worried because of the rather general perception of many world-population students this is because they attribute the difficulty in studying engineering to the reason that it requires a good knowledge of pure and applied mathematics as well as science. However, we will give you a better insight on what makes a major harder than others.

1. Your Interest in the Major

This is not a go-by-your-passion type of advice. It is a fact that is objective to a fault. If you didn’t try to check the engineering major you are applying for before securing admission into it, there is a bigger possibility that you are going to pass through hard times completing it. Unless you are an easy adaptive student or a genius. If that’s your case, then we say congratulations. You are a blessed mind.

2. Your Level of Abstraction

With the word ” abstraction” we are referring to those things that are not easily assimilated naturally by our brains. Advanced mathematics, physics, and quantum sciences are usually the areas that prove to be the hardest and most challenging areas for aspiring engineers. There is much to learn, and that is what most people don’t still get to understand. With this, you don’t have any problem with the hardest engineering majors.

3. Where the Work will be Used

This is another vital point to consider as your choice of hardest engineering majors may differ. Let’s diverge a little, civil engineering is likely overused. Take for instance environmental engineering. Their job position is crucial and they are in high demand. It’s not an easy task to read and become a good environmental engineer, but they are just working with the known quantities.

What are the recognized Accreditations for Engineering Courses?

* Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
* The Institution of Engineering Technology (IET)
* Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB).
* Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

Top Hardest Engineering Majors

Today, We provide a rank to the hardest engineering courses, we are doing this Ranking not to scare you in any way, but rather to get your mind prepared. We want to prepare you for what you are going into. Indeed, studying Engineering is not an easy task but we would still say that it is not impossible to study. All you need is a strong determination to study and you will pass with outstanding grades.

#1. Chemical Engineering

Top Hardest Engineering Major_ Chemical engineering. Chemical engineering might be rated as one of the hardest engineering majors on our list. We included the discipline purely because it combines the most complex knowledge of the engineering field with chemistry. Chemistry is a very vast field. We advise that you specialize in a category that interests you the most. Perhaps if you are planning to work on developing new medicine, then you may go on to the pharmaceuticals. What makes chemical engineering one of the hardest engineering majors is that it requires a combination of abstraction and theoretical knowledge. Check How to Become A Well-paid Research Scientist

#2. Electrical Engineering

Most people think that electrical engineering is on the list of the hardest engineering majors. Electrical engineers are engaged with a lot of abstract concepts, it also embeds electricity in itself. Electrical engineering is not something you can just understand naturally. Electrical engineering is an area of engineering that is concerned with the study, design, and application of equipment, application of devices, and application of systems that make use of electricity, makes use of electronics, as well as electromagnetism.
What makes Electrical Engineering one of the hardest Engineering majors is its wide level of abstraction. You can not see electricity, so it is hard to visualize or predict the outcome/ what is going to happen through your inputs. Likewise, you don’t see magnetic fields, you can’t even predict how they react, and you can’t see radio signals, in the same vein, you can’t see how electricity moves or travels through cables.

#3 Computer Engineering

This area of engineering combines computer science with electrical engineering to design, build/ develop computer hardware and software. Computer engineering is a discipline that is considered one of the hardest engineering majors because it shares a lot of courses with the field of electrical engineering. If you are already finding electrical engineering difficult, you may also find computer engineering difficult. Also, computer engineering as one of the hardest engineering majors may be challenging for students who do not in any way enjoy coding and programming. Must Read: Top 30 Best Paying Jobs In Capital Goods 2022 (Updated)

#4. Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineers are engineers who specialize in making stuff that flies. Or we can say that they are persons who also attempt to fly anyway. The more advanced level students in this Field concern themselves with producing things that go into space. What makes aerospace engineering among the hardest engineering majors? The wide amount of details you must know to perform your job. You’ll see these same points applying to all the majors here.

#5. Biomedical Engineering

The Biomedical engineers are rather described as a weird mix of both engineer and medic. They are workers who specialize in biology and how to make stuff that can relieve ailments and cure patients. But biomedical engineers are also designers, they design things like artificial limbs as well as organs. Biomedical engineering is among the hardest engineering majors because you are mixing complex mathematical knowledge with biology. You’re also Making something that seems to refute the laws of nature. You need to also have good Knowledge of how the human body works, and what happens, what to do when it doesn’t work.

#6. Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear engineering is the area of engineering that deals with the science as well as the application of nuclear plus radiation processes. This engineering course is among the hardest engineering majors, it will be difficult for students who are not good at physics. This is because It involves a lot of calculations. An Excellent background in mathematics plus physics is required for you to study nuclear engineering. 

#7. Quantum Engineering

Quantum Engineering combines engineering skills with the wide fundamental physics to settle so many contemporary problems. This engineering discipline is considered among the hardest engineering majors because it involves the knowledge of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is known to be among the hardest parts of physics. Even at secondary/pre-degree levels, quantum mechanics is so much a challenging subject.

#8. Robotics Engineering

Robotics engineering is the area of engineering that is concerned with the design, construction, and operation of robots, operation of machines that replicate human actions. This engineering discipline is one of the hardest engineering majors to study and practice. Making a Robot requires a lot of work. It needs an in-depth knowledge and understanding of mathematics, in-depth knowledge of electronics, mechanics, programming, as well as computer science. You May Like Top Best Global Schools in Chicago 2022 (Updated)

#9. Mechatronics Engineering

This engineering course has its focus on a combination of mechanical systems, computer systems, and electrical systems, to work and design smart technologies, such as robots, technologies on automated guided systems, as well as computer-integrated manufacturing equipment. Mechatronics Engineering is among the hardest engineering majors, it is even more difficult than other engineering courses you know because it is a combination of different fields like mechanics, robotics, electronics, and so on.

#10. Nanotechnology Engineering / Nanoengineering

Nanoengineering is a branch of engineering which has it focuses on the study, development, as well as refinement of materials that are on a nanoscale. Nanotechnology engineering is considered among the hardest engineering majors, it is very difficult to study because it combines a lot of fields – ranging from materials science to mechanical engineering, electronics engineering, biological sciences, physics, and medicine. It is really among the Hardest Engineering Majors.

* #11 Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum runs our everyday life today and hence each of its products is vital to us for our survival. It is among the hardest engineering majors, Petroleum engineering explores every area related to petroleum; including the Discovery of oil wells, evaluation of its potential, maximizing the production, as well as storage and transportation. All these make it among the hardest engineering majors to venture into.

#12 Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering deals with the use of mathematical and scientific principles to produce machines and tools that are used for specific purposes both in production and other processing activities. It is among the hardest engineering majors, In this hard major in college, students are to focus on fields like robotics engineering, heat transfer, elevator technology, as well as fracture mechanics.

Easiest Engineering Schools | What Are The Easiest Schools to Get an Engineering Degree?


The easiest Engineering school analysis was done based on the global Acceptance Rates of the various institutions offering Engineering,  All the below schools have a good acceptance rate level which makes it so much easier to gain admission into the Engineering faculty. In addition, Minimum CGPA criteria were also considered in the analysis – To get into any engineering school, you are expected to have a CGPA within the range of 2.0-4.0 on a 5.0 scale.

Moreso, we considered the Quality of the various engineering Programs – All the schools below listed Institutions offer world-class engineering programs. Wouldn’t you fancy getting an Engineering degree in a reputable university with not much stress?

Here is a list of the Easiest Engineering Schools you may want to get into;

  1. Iowa State University
  2. University of Colorado — Boulder
  3. University of Delaware
  4. Virginia Tech
  5. Pennsylvania State University
  6. Ohio State University
  7. The University of Minnesota
  8. Boston University
  9. New York University
  10. Rice University


Hardest Engineering Majors? Further Answers to Your Questions.

Which branch of engineering is the toughest?

We will say it is Chemical Engineering. Because it is a joining point between physics, chemistry, and math. The above reason is the first and foremost reason that Chemical Engineering, is one of the hardest Engineering majors in the world.

Which branch is named King of Engineering?

Mechanical engineering is the field of engineering considered to be the royal branch of all other engineering disciplines. This is because it is the 2nd oldest branch of engineering after the civil engineering discipline.

Which engineering Major has the highest salary?

Below are the areas in Engineering that have the highest pay by
Big Data Engineering,
Nuclear Engineering,
Aerospace Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Biomedical Engineering,
Systems Engineering,
Electrical Engineering,
Chemical Engineering

What is the duration of study for an engineering course?

An undergraduate degree program in the field of engineering can be completed within four years or five years depending on your country, and a PG degree in the field of engineering can be for up to three to seven years. Hardest Engineering Majors are inclusive.

Are there Online Engineering Courses?

Yes, there are many online engineering programs available for both undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. However, not all the engineering programs can be studied fully online an example is Aerospace Engineering. Hardest Engineering Majors are tougher to study online.

Final Words on the Hardest Engineering Majors

We provided you the rank of all the hardest engineering majors, we did this Ranking not to scare you in any way, but rather to get your mind prepared. We want to prepare you for what you are going into. Indeed, studying Engineering is not an easy task but we would still say that it is not impossible to study. All you need is a strong determination to study and you will pass with outstanding grades. Our list is not an exclusive one, however, we will keep you updated on the hardest engineering majors. Stay tuned to for updates

Frequently Asked Questions on Hardest Engineering Majors


What is the duration for Engineering Courses?

An undergraduate degree program in the field of engineering can be completed within four years or five years depending on your country, and a PG degree in the field of engineering can be for up to three to seven years.

What Branch of Engineering is the toughest?

We will say it is Chemical Engineering. Because it is a joining point between physics, chemistry, and math. The above reason is the first and foremost reason that Chemical Engineering is one of the hardest Engineering majors in the world

Top 12 Hardest Engineering Majors |What Makes A Major Harder than Others?_ Engineering is a wide discipline, but among the numerous academic disciplines, you may be tempted to ask which of them are the hardest engineering courses in the World. You will find the answer shortly.

Choosing to Study engineering in high school is no joke, this is because the discipline is considered to be in the list of the most difficult courses you can study in the world. Many attribute the difficulty to the reason that it requires a good knowledge of pure and applied mathematics as well as science.
Also, to make it and succeed in the field of engineering, you will have to get enough skills, and good technical knowledge, you are to have abstract thinking ability, creativity, teamwork spirit, fast learning ability, and analytical ability to mention but a few.

What Makes a Major Harder than Others? The Hardest Engineering Majors

What you consider tough may be considered easy for some other person, take for instance, Choosing to Studying engineering in high school,you will find out that people around you may get worried because of the rather general perception of many world-population students this is because they attribute the difficulty in studying engineering to the reason that it requires a good knowledge of pure and applied mathematics as well as science. However, we will give you a better insight on what makes a major harder than others.

1. Your Interest in the Major

This is not a go-by-your-passion type of advice. It is a fact that is objective to a fault. If you didn’t try to check the engineering major you are applying for before securing admission into it, there is a bigger possibility that you are going to pass through hard times completing it. Unless you are an easy adaptive student or a genius. If that’s your case, then we say congratulations. You are a blessed mind.

2. Your Level of Abstraction

With the word ” abstraction” we are referring to those things that are not easily assimilated naturally by our brains. Advanced mathematics, physics, and quantum sciences are usually the areas that prove to be the hardest and most challenging areas for aspiring engineers. There is much to learn, and that is what most people don’t still get to understand. With this, you don’t have any problem with the hardest engineering majors.

3. Where the Work will be Used

This is another vital point to consider as your choice of hardest engineering majors may differ. Let’s diverge a little, civil engineering is likely overused. Take for instance environmental engineering. Their job position is crucial and they are in high demand. It’s not an easy task to read and become a good environmental engineer, but they are just working with the known quantities.

What are the recognized Accreditations for Engineering Courses?

* Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
* The Institution of Engineering Technology (IET)
* Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB).
* Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

Top Hardest Engineering Majors

Today, We provide a rank to the hardest engineering courses, we are doing this Ranking not to scare you in any way, but rather to get your mind prepared. We want to prepare you for what you are going into. Indeed, studying Engineering is not an easy task but we would still say that it is not impossible to study. All you need is a strong determination to study and you will pass with outstanding grades.

#1. Chemical Engineering

Top Hardest Engineering Major_ Chemical engineering. Chemical engineering might be rated as one of the hardest engineering majors on our list. We included the discipline purely because it combines the most complex knowledge of the engineering field with chemistry. Chemistry is a very vast field. We advise that you specialize in a category that interests you the most. Perhaps if you are planning to work on developing new medicine, then you may go on to the pharmaceuticals. What makes chemical engineering one of the hardest engineering majors is that it requires a combination of abstraction and theoretical knowledge. Check How to Become A Well-paid Research Scientist

#2. Electrical Engineering

Most people think that electrical engineering is on the list of the hardest engineering majors. Electrical engineers are engaged with a lot of abstract concepts, it also embeds electricity in itself. Electrical engineering is not something you can just understand naturally. Electrical engineering is an area of engineering that is concerned with the study, design, and application of equipment, application of devices, and application of systems that make use of electricity, makes use of electronics, as well as electromagnetism.
What makes Electrical Engineering one of the hardest Engineering majors is its wide level of abstraction. You can not see electricity, so it is hard to visualize or predict the outcome/ what is going to happen through your inputs. Likewise, you don’t see magnetic fields, you can’t even predict how they react, and you can’t see radio signals, in the same vein, you can’t see how electricity moves or travels through cables.

#3 Computer Engineering

This area of engineering combines computer science with electrical engineering to design, build/ develop computer hardware and software. Computer engineering is a discipline that is considered one of the hardest engineering majors because it shares a lot of courses with the field of electrical engineering. If you are already finding electrical engineering difficult, you may also find computer engineering difficult. Also, computer engineering as one of the hardest engineering majors may be challenging for students who do not in any way enjoy coding and programming. Must Read: Top 30 Best Paying Jobs In Capital Goods 2022 (Updated)

#4. Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineers are engineers who specialize in making stuff that flies. Or we can say that they are persons who also attempt to fly anyway. The more advanced level students in this Field concern themselves with producing things that go into space. What makes aerospace engineering among the hardest engineering majors? The wide amount of details you must know to perform your job. You’ll see these same points applying to all the majors here.

#5. Biomedical Engineering

The Biomedical engineers are rather described as a weird mix of both engineer and medic. They are workers who specialize in biology and how to make stuff that can relieve ailments and cure patients. But biomedical engineers are also designers, they design things like artificial limbs as well as organs. Biomedical engineering is among the hardest engineering majors because you are mixing complex mathematical knowledge with biology. You’re also Making something that seems to refute the laws of nature. You need to also have good Knowledge of how the human body works, and what happens, what to do when it doesn’t work.

#6. Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear engineering is the area of engineering that deals with the science as well as the application of nuclear plus radiation processes. This engineering course is among the hardest engineering majors, it will be difficult for students who are not good at physics. This is because It involves a lot of calculations. An Excellent background in mathematics plus physics is required for you to study nuclear engineering. 

#7. Quantum Engineering

Quantum Engineering combines engineering skills with the wide fundamental physics to settle so many contemporary problems. This engineering discipline is considered among the hardest engineering majors because it involves the knowledge of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is known to be among the hardest parts of physics. Even at secondary/pre-degree levels, quantum mechanics is so much a challenging subject.

#8. Robotics Engineering

Robotics engineering is the area of engineering that is concerned with the design, construction, and operation of robots, operation of machines that replicate human actions. This engineering discipline is one of the hardest engineering majors to study and practice. Making a Robot requires a lot of work. It needs an in-depth knowledge and understanding of mathematics, in-depth knowledge of electronics, mechanics, programming, as well as computer science. You May Like Top Best Global Schools in Chicago 2022 (Updated)

#9. Mechatronics Engineering

This engineering course has its focus on a combination of mechanical systems, computer systems, and electrical systems, to work and design smart technologies, such as robots, technologies on automated guided systems, as well as computer-integrated manufacturing equipment. Mechatronics Engineering is among the hardest engineering majors, it is even more difficult than other engineering courses you know because it is a combination of different fields like mechanics, robotics, electronics, and so on.

#10. Nanotechnology Engineering / Nanoengineering

Nanoengineering is a branch of engineering which has it focuses on the study, development, as well as refinement of materials that are on a nanoscale. Nanotechnology engineering is considered among the hardest engineering majors, it is very difficult to study because it combines a lot of fields – ranging from materials science to mechanical engineering, electronics engineering, biological sciences, physics, and medicine. It is really among the Hardest Engineering Majors.

* #11 Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum runs our everyday life today and hence each of its products is vital to us for our survival. It is among the hardest engineering majors, Petroleum engineering explores every area related to petroleum; including the Discovery of oil wells, evaluation of its potential, maximizing the production, as well as storage and transportation. All these make it among the hardest engineering majors to venture into.

#12 Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering deals with the use of mathematical and scientific principles to produce machines and tools that are used for specific purposes both in production and other processing activities. It is among the hardest engineering majors, In this hard major in college, students are to focus on fields like robotics engineering, heat transfer, elevator technology, as well as fracture mechanics.

Easiest Engineering Schools | What Are The Easiest Schools to Get an Engineering Degree?


The easiest Engineering school analysis was done based on the global Acceptance Rates of the various institutions offering Engineering,  All the below schools have a good acceptance rate level which makes it so much easier to gain admission into the Engineering faculty. In addition, Minimum CGPA criteria were also considered in the analysis – To get into any engineering school, you are expected to have a CGPA within the range of 2.0-4.0 on a 5.0 scale.

Moreso, we considered the Quality of the various engineering Programs – All the schools below listed Institutions offer world-class engineering programs. Wouldn’t you fancy getting an Engineering degree in a reputable university with not much stress?

Here is a list of the Easiest Engineering Schools you may want to get into;

  1. Iowa State University
  2. University of Colorado — Boulder
  3. University of Delaware
  4. Virginia Tech
  5. Pennsylvania State University
  6. Ohio State University
  7. The University of Minnesota
  8. Boston University
  9. New York University
  10. Rice University


Hardest Engineering Majors? Further Answers to Your Questions.

Which branch of engineering is the toughest?

We will say it is Chemical Engineering. Because it is a joining point between physics, chemistry, and math. The above reason is the first and foremost reason that Chemical Engineering, is one of the hardest Engineering majors in the world.

Which branch is named King of Engineering?

Mechanical engineering is the field of engineering considered to be the royal branch of all other engineering disciplines. This is because it is the 2nd oldest branch of engineering after the civil engineering discipline.

Which engineering Major has the highest salary?

Below are the areas in Engineering that have the highest pay by
Big Data Engineering,
Nuclear Engineering,
Aerospace Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Biomedical Engineering,
Systems Engineering,
Electrical Engineering,
Chemical Engineering

What is the duration of study for an engineering course?

An undergraduate degree program in the field of engineering can be completed within four years or five years depending on your country, and a PG degree in the field of engineering can be for up to three to seven years. Hardest Engineering Majors are inclusive.

Are there Online Engineering Courses?

Yes, there are many online engineering programs available for both undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. However, not all the engineering programs can be studied fully online an example is Aerospace Engineering. Hardest Engineering Majors are tougher to study online.

Final Words on the Hardest Engineering Majors

We provided you the rank of all the hardest engineering majors, we did this Ranking not to scare you in any way, but rather to get your mind prepared. We want to prepare you for what you are going into. Indeed, studying Engineering is not an easy task but we would still say that it is not impossible to study. All you need is a strong determination to study and you will pass with outstanding grades. Our list is not an exclusive one, however, we will keep you updated on the hardest engineering majors. Stay tuned to for updates

Frequently Asked Questions on Hardest Engineering Majors


What is the duration for Engineering Courses?

An undergraduate degree program in the field of engineering can be completed within four years or five years depending on your country, and a PG degree in the field of engineering can be for up to three to seven years.

What Branch of Engineering is the toughest?

We will say it is Chemical Engineering. Because it is a joining point between physics, chemistry, and math. The above reason is the first and foremost reason that Chemical Engineering is one of the hardest Engineering majors in the world